About Will
Hi! Iām Will. The guy that writes all these articles. This whole website idea started while I was taking a break studying for my 9th Grade Physics Midterm. So, what does physics have to do with sports? Nothing. And that was exactly the goal when I broke out my notebook and started writing. Since then, I have crafted many articles on different sports. With these articles, I decided to make a website sharing my ideas with the sports world. Right now, I am choosing to include my three favorite sports; Football, Basketball, and Baseball. This led me to the website name SPORTSMANIA92, since I am trying to cover 92 different sports teams. While I do have my favorite teams, I will do my best not to be biased. (It will be interesting to see if you can figure out who I root for.) I hope you find these articles as fun to read as they were to write.
Thanks for reading,
Will Aimette